Prop. 64 is not “marijuana legalization.” It is how Big Pharma and Monsanto intend to take over cannabis — both industrial hemp and marijuana. It is 62 pages long, contains a lot of other laws it incorporates by reference without including them in the text so you can read them, and it took me, a trained and experienced attorney, 36 hours to read and understand the whole thing.      It will result in more arrests of both people. It is illegal for anyone under 21 to use or possess marijuana n– even as medicine! Parents who give whole herbal marijuana in any form to children who are sick will be felons. Many people who are sick need need more marijuana, and marijuana in different forms than flowers that are smoked will be prevented from using marijuana as medicine because of all the rules that limit amounts, sources, and self-cultivation.

    It makes it illegal to make your own Rick Simpson Oil to treat cancer — even using food-grade, grain alcohol — because alcohol is a volatile solvent. and Prop. 64 makes it a felony to make concentrates using volatile solvents.

    Big Pharma is bleeding profits as more and more people turn to safer and cheaper marijuana that they or their friends have been able to grow for free or very inexpensively since Prop. 215 passed. That is why Prop. 64 is designed to, and does, repeal Prop. 215. That is why the billionaires behind Big Pharma and Big Ag are backing Prop. 64, which reduces safe and affordable access to marijuana instead of making it easier to get and use! Calling it “marijuana legalization” is designed to make people vote for it without reading it.
New Study Has Big Pharma Terrified — Pot Destroys their Profits › Solutions

Jul 7, 2016 – First Senior Bankers on the Planet Responsible for 2008 Collapse Jailed · Tragic Irony … New Study Has Big Pharma Terrified — As Pot is Legalized, Pill Sales Plummet … Legal marijuana destroys big pharma’s profits.

Big Pharma Pockets $711 Billion in Profits by Robbing Seniors ……/Big-Pharma-Pockets-711-Billion-Pro…

Apr 25, 2013 – Michigan’s Organic Medical Marijuana Caregiver Services Forum … Big Pharma Pockets $711 Billion in Profits by Robbing Seniors, Taxpayers.

Big Pharma-Produced Cannabis Is Likely Coming to the U.S.…/medical-cannabis-issue-…

The Huffington Post

Aug 3, 2015 – Look for the first naturally-derived, Big Pharma-produced cannabis … that haunts this senior observer of the medical cannabis movement is: …

One striking chart shows why pharma companies are fighting legal ……/one-striking-chart…The Washington Post

Jul 13, 2016 – They found that, in the 17 states with a medical-marijuana law in place … only looks at Medicare Part D spending, which applies only to seniors.

New Study Shows Why Big Pharma Hates Medical Marijuana – Slashdot…/new-study-shows-why-big-pharma-hates-medi…

Jul 17, 2016 – New Study Shows Why Big Pharma Hates Medical Marijuana ….. they only do it because they are afraid of lost revenue due to legal marijuana?

Medical Marijuana taking a bite out of pharmaceuticals profit. › Lifestyle

Jul 6, 2016 – Marijuana has already take a big bite out of the profit from other … that medical marijuana is being used as medicine, said senior author W.

Big Pharma’s Attempt at Making Medical Marijuana-based Drugs – Las ……

May 24, 2016 – Big Pharma is turning medical marijuana into synthetic… In response, the pharmaceutical industry is looking for a way to make a profit and not …

     And Prop. 64 is bad for everyone, not just sick people! Read the analysis for “recreational users” below from Joe Hemp and pas this e-mail on to as many people as possible!
———- Forwarded message ———-

From: Joe Hemp <>

Date: Sat, Jul 30, 2016 at 11:26 PM

Subject: 9 MAJOR ISSUES to CONSIDER with PROP 64


The World of Prop 64: ( lets hope this doesn’t pass)

1 so we can have ONE OUNCE on us in public, but unless we are walking everywhere we go, we can never open it until we get home, unless we open it and smoke it all, as long as we don’t smoke in Public… but then we still cant drive home cause we are supposedly too stoned to drive not to mention driving while in possession of cannabis is still illegal even in a sealed container… Of course having an ounce on our person only serves to limit how much we can transport..Maybe if we have a commuter van that holds 10 people we can transport 10 ounces legally, from point A to point B…again as long as we don’t open it…and as long as it isn’t inside the passenger compartment, cause it’s still a controlled substance.
2. What about the High Times Cannabis Cup or Chalice festivals? they can no longer give away free samples, effectively killing the events…who wants to pay to go to a festival, in the heat, and the dirt, walking around all day for free stickers? no more samples of shatter or flower etc. Maybe we can technically pay a small sampling fee so we aren’t getting a giveaway? Wait there is a limit on how low the price can go, that wont work thanks to prop 64 Price Fixing ( cannot sell at less than cost)….and forget having a cold, over priced beer at any of these events… longer allowed.
3. lets not ignore the huge recreational selling point of prop 64…6 plants per property !!! finally i can grow some monsters in my back yard..OH wait it only allows Indoor growing..No problem i’ll just build a greenhouse with plastic sheets…NOPE, accessory structure in most counties means a solid enclosure with a solid roof solid walls and a lockable door, secure from unauthorized entry….Don’t forget the ability of cities and counties to regulate recreational growing, like with a Permit..oops that means they have your name and address…anyone ok with self incrimination at the federal level?
But wait, if there is a statewide law that prohibits outdoor growing, does that mean MEDICAL PATIENTS must also only grow indoors?
4. Cannabis Vaporizers FORBIDDEN except in tobacco zones? Where are the tobacco zones? Who thinks Tobacco will eventually be outlawed completely? And if they outlaw tobacco zones then the fix is in, changes to laws can easily make cannabis use more restrictive with this provision.
5. Mandatory $100 Dollar State ID card to avoid 15% (or more…) tax on Medical Cannabis…So much for the Prop 215 provision that says its voluntary and that a defense in court can be verbal as well as written, lets throw poor patients under the bus with Prop 64…of course the California Medical Assn. stated that ” we need to close the loopholes and wrong diagnoses that allow cannabis for people who are not critically ill” yeah if you cant see the collusion and conspiracy to make cannabis a restricted commodity for big pharma, then you really need to revisit your college textbooks on critical thinking.
6. Delivery services can still be BANNED by cities, but thats ok i can drive it home on my own ( NOT SO FAST… see # 1 Above)
7. LOCAL BANS of ALL TYPES of Licenses is Allowed… The voters do NOT get to decide if they want a ban or not. As we can see recently its all up to the local board of supervisors…. This damages our Prop 215 medical access protections… MMRSA Bans implemented by the state laws undo the Prop 215 protections and are Unconstitutional, so if voters pass this, we are all screwed. (The voters are tricked into destroying the provisions of prop 215) and these Mega Bucks people behind Prop 64 are counting on the uninformed voters to help them set up their monopolies.
8. 15% State Excise Tax PLUS Local Sales Tax PLUS $9.25 per ounce Tax? The black market really loves this high tax rate, and therefore so do the police associations, they get to keep their anti marijuana asset seizure programs in operation because Prop 64 makes sure prohibition and extreme regulations remain in effect, We can’t have cops losing their jobs because we made good Cannabis laws in California now can we?
9. No Warrant needed for Law Enforcement to Inspect ANY Location?
AS YOU CAN SEE, the people who support Prop 64 really havent read it through…

joe hemp

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