Here is a brief report on Letitia Pepper’s recent false arrest in West Hollywood on August 20, 2016.    The City of West Hollywood co-sponsored a “Cannabis Education Forum,” an event which was a thinly disguised pro-AUMA/Prop. 64 event. It was open to the public, free, and took place on City-owned property on Aug. 20, 2016.  

      Amanda Hyde, its organizer and the 2015 founder of CEF (Cannabis Educational Forum), carefully arranged the event so that there would not be any full and frank discussion of Prop. 64 and its actual impacts on citizens and businesses. Ms. Hyde’s expertise in cannabis education is unknown, she is, reportedly, an aesthetician.

    The City’s decision to turn this event over to Ms. Hyde might be based on the fact that its City Council was somehow persuaded to endorse Prop. 64. Previously, such well-respected activists as Richard Eastman and Patrick Moore, who have encyclopedic knowledge of cannabis, both hemp and marijuana, had been involved in the City’s annual cannabis event, but not now, not that Prop. 64 is being pushed, not when Eastman and Moore are actively campaigning against Prop. 64, and not now that five elected City officials are also pushing Prop. 64.

    The Prop. 64 bias was all too apparent. For example, Lynne Lyman, president of the ,which has endorsed Prop. 64, and who is somehow related to Dr. Donald Lyman, M.D., its legal proponent who sees marijuana as a dangerous and addictive drug. “Is marijuana bad for your health? ‘Yes,’ says Dr. Donald Lyman of Sacramento, a retired physician and former board member of the California Medical Assn. “People do not use it to make themselves healthier. They use it to deal with other problems. It is a dangerous and ill-advised substance. That’s why it has to be under control.’ That’s the twist here. Lyman is co-leading a push to qualify a marijuana legalization initiative for the 2016 California ballot. His measure, the doctor says, would control usage, quality and quantity.” ‘Recreational’ marijuana proponents are pushing a false narrative

‘Recreational’ marijuana proponents are pushing a false narrative

By Los Angeles Times

The weed warriors are back, peddling pot for the  ballot. And one old tale they’re spinning is pur…

     So, Ms. Lyman, who is helping Dr. Lyman push this POS proposition, had 45 uninterrupted minutes to present an uncontradicted point of view about how great Prop. 64 will be — if people are deceived enough to pass it.
    Letitia Pepper and other activists attended to give out information on Prop. 64 via flyers. Realizing that there was no on AUMA info being distributed, Ms. Hyde first told Ms. Pepper she would have to ask her to leave the event because the flyers had not been pre-approved. No one can require pre-approval of a First Amendment message; that is called prior restraint and it is unconstitutional.   

    When she realized that trying to claim that Pepper was disrupting the meeting also wasn’t gong to work (the meeting in question was over and was in recess when Ms. Hyde asked Ms. Pepper to leave), Ms. Hyde resorted to lies, the common refuge of the pro-AUMA hucksters.

    In order to get Ms. Pepper arrested, Ms. Hyde falsely claimed to sheriffs’ deputies that the 2016 event — co-hosted and paid for by the City of West Hollywood — was a private event, and signed a citizen’s arrest form to have her arrested for trespass after she refused to leave at Ms. Hyde’s request, a request clearly made because she did not approve of Ms. Pepper’s political massage, as contained in the anti-Prop.64 flyers.

     Anyone at a public event, on public property, is not committing a crime and anyone doing it cannot properly be charged with, let alone convicted of, trespass. Only Ms. Hyde’s lie to the deputies about this being a private event — and possibly whatever the City staff put on the event permit — made this arrest possible.
   Lying to law enforcement personnel, and filling out a citizen’s arrest form with false statements in order to have someone falsely arrested, is a crime. 
    So when people like Chris Conrad and their ilk start posting lies about my arrest, please respond with this information. Thanks!
In solidarity, Letitia E. Pepper, Esq. 
   The First Amendment rocks, Prop. 64 sucks Click for link -> 4Pepper


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